Faculty Members of MCBU Business Faculty Were Informed About the Uphold Project

A project dissemination activity was carried out by MCBU at the MCBU Faculty of Business Administration on December 13, 2023, regarding the UPHOLD (UPSKILLING THE WOMEN IN NEET: FROM HOUSEHOLD ECONOMİES TO LEADİNG ENTERPRISES) project number 2020-1-TR01-KA204-092949, which was entitled to receive a grant within the scope of EU Erasmus+ Adult Education Strategic Partnerships. At the meeting, information about the project purpose, duration, partners and activities were shared. Project Coordinator, Dean of the Faculty of Business Administration, Prof. Dr. Hatice YURTSEVER, stated in her presentation that the economic crises experienced throughout Europe in the last twenty years revealed the concept of NEET (not in employment, education and training). He stated that this project aims to target women over the age of 25 in NEET and increase their competencies in digital, financial and entrepreneurship fields. He gave information that, with this 2-year project in which our university is a partner, a training program has been created to facilitate and increase women’s entry into business life and their employability. He also informed that an educational platform has been established to increase their competencies in digital, financial and entrepreneurship fields with modern and basic education methods.